The Office of the Administrator of Stool Lands (OASL) held its two days annual conference on the 7th and 8th  February, 2023. It was a virtual conference graced by the Administrator, Directors, Regional and District Stool Lands Officers and some staff from the head office. This year’s conference focused on review of performances in the previous year, revenue and operational targets, regional reports, quarterly and annual reports.

Full Participation & GoG Directive

Surv. Mrs Maame Ama Edumadze-Acquah, the Administrator of Stool Lands, who spearheaded the conference in her speech urged staff to participate fully in the discussions during the conference to enable the Office make informed decisions for the betterment of the office.

In addition, she explained to participants that the conference was being conducted virtually due to government’s directive to limit face-to-face Conferences and also to reduce cost to be able to channel financial resources into procurement of Office equipment’s and other relevant facilities.

Pertinent Issues

Some of the matters discussed at the conference included improving performances of staff, boosting revenue mobilization and collection, reaching targets in 2023 and the years ahead  as well as pertinent decisions management has taken in the interest of organisation as well as pertinent decisions management has taken in the interest of organisation.