The Assemblies are the major beneficiaries of stool land revenue. In view of this, the Talensi District Assembly is the first Assembly in the Upper East Region to utilize its fifty- five per cent (55%) share of Stool land revenue to put up a three unit class room block for the Gatusi community. The only structure in the school was a dilapidated mud room which serve as a class room for the Kindergarten whiles the rest learn under a tree.

In the spirit of collaboration
The Administrator of Stool Lands and her team from the Head office together with the Acting Regional Stool Lands Officer and the Talensi District Coordinating Director, commissioned the newly constructed three unit class room block. It was all joy to see the excitement on the faces of the pupil.
The Talensi District Coordinating Director, Mr. Clifford Baba Atanga in his speech, expressed gratitude to the Office for the support given them. He said the Office is the reason the pupils of Gatusi Basic School are smiling and can never forget this singular act of kindness. The Coordinating Director further appealed to the Office to support the Assembly to complete the construction of the children’s ward in the Tongo District Hospital and also drill two boreholes for the community.
The Administrator of Stool Lands in her speech said the Office has played a good role in revenue mobilization and has lived up to expection on its vision and mission of the Office. She said since the office started its operations some thirteen years ago, Staff has worked tirelessly to raise revenue collection from GH¢24,000.00 to over GH¢640,000.00. The Administrator of Stool Lands further requested support from stakeholders to be able to raise the needed revenue for community project.
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